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» » Tinder experiment: What looks like men prefer in women ?

Many who publish photos of Tinder use the service of communication and meeting with people we meet through it . This application allows users to talk to those who would be perfect pair for them.

But when it comes to appearance Women have always been skeptical whether more men prefer more natural look or dislike when nashminkani and perfect photos.
Fortunately modern technology allows women to look fantastic in the pictures they publish on social networks. But on the other hand it may have a negative effect.
Twenty-year-old Alexa Mitchell of New Mexico, wanting to know if men prefer the natural look of women, the three natural-looking photographs of her Tinder profile and profiles of 100 men.
Unfortunately did not get the desired response , five hours later found only 16 positive responses. But when they publish photos retouched application Relook, 100 men received 73 positive responses .
The conclusion of this social experiment was expected little change in appearance can cause big reactions in humans. But next time when men would complain that women do not look like the photos, this is why they do it .

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